Dr Choudry’s Practice

Darwen Health Centre, James Street West, BB3 1PY

GP Earnings

The average pay for GP’s working at Dr Hirst & N Choudry’s Practice in the last financial year before tax and NI contributions was as follows

DR HIRST & DR N CHOUDRY’S PRACTICE (period 1st April – 31 December 15)

£65,660 This was for 2 full time GP’s

DR N CHOUDRY’S PRACTICE (period 1st Jan – 31 March 16)

£35,785. This was for 1 full time GP

It should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading as it does not take into account the amount of time a GP spends working in Practice and therefore should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, or to make any comparison with any other Practice.